IT IS SO SIMPLE. WE MAKE IT COMPLICATED. WHAT IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD? The Temple of God is not the Church, the Synagogue, or the Mosque that one enters into with people on the sabbath day to celebrate the day that God completed his work. The Temple of God is, physically, the baby that came from your mama's womb. A doctor hit you on the butt and heard your cry. The doctor hitting you on your butt is the first breath of life you took. Also, remind yourselves, every breath you take is the Spirit of God your are breathing. And God said, "let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion..... over all the earth... GENESIS 1: 26 SINCE YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD YOU MUST... *EAT WELL *EXERCISE AND BE ACTIVE *STAY DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE *SEEK MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT *PROTECT YOURSELF FROM DISEASE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY...